
Monday, April 12, 2010

'Kate Moss Myth' Canned

Well I mean, THAT sucks...  The “Kate Moss Myth” exhibit, an all-things-Kate exhibition at Les Art Decortifs, was supposed to go up this year in the private, non-profit museum in Paris, France.  It was postponed until next March, and now they’re canning that shit altogether.

Despite the fashion world’s love of every glittery thing that Kate Moss shits out, the not for profit museum’s had a bitch of a time finding a corporate sponsor for the exhibition.  PR for the museum, which has housed retrospective installments for Balenciaga, Madeleine Vionnet and Christian Lacroix, said this to Woman's Wear Daily:
Cultural patronage is never a priority for companies [oh, hell naw!], but given the wide range of companies Kate’s worked for, from Nikon to Chanel, Virgin Mobil to Dior and the heaps of money each and every one has made off of the supermodel, we’re surprised no one’s stepped up to attach their name to the exhibition."
Alright L.A.D.,. I mean come on.  It's a tad bit early have anything called the Kate Moss "myth" OR have anyone take a stroll down her ‘long’ career—the bitch is only only 36–so it makes me wonder what the hell they put on display, anyhow

Yah.  SHIFTY.   

Hey Les Art Decortifs? Hollah at a bitch when you put the entire contents of Katie's closet over the last 20 years on display. Cause when you do, the money, and the peeps, will be coming in fucking floods.  TRUST.

via  ElleUK

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